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Golden Pump Award

At the January, 2000 meeting of the Midwest Pond & Koi Society, Mike White was honored with the “Golden Pump Award” for four years of dedication as the club’s President. In addition, Mike was made a lifetime member of the club, an honor previously only bestowed on 3 other members.
During his years as President, and prior to that as a Board member, Mike conceived and implemented many of the events and awards (including initiating the first lifetime membership status). Mike chaired and co-chaired most club events at least once: Spring Trade Show, Koi & Goldfish Show, Fall Trade Show, Flea Market, Pond Tour, and Fish Health Seminar. During his terms as President, Mike initiated the Club Recognition Dinner and the Volunteer of the Year award, developed and promoted the club library, authored the by-laws, and assisted in budgeting. His behind the scenes work on aeration systems for the Koi Show is legendary. As is the fact that he often took a week of vacation time to help set up for the Koi Show. His articles for the Midwest Pond & Koi Society Bulletin continue to educate and stimulate discussion among club members.
Everyone in the MPKS knows that Mike’s motto is “There is no such thing as too much filtration” which prompted the design of the Golden Pump Award. The award was designed and assembled by Board Member, Ray Muzik.

For information on the Midwest Pond & Koi Society, emailĀ MPKS
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